Political Economy Fellow 2019-20, Economics &… Workshops 2018-22, Economics Interviews 2016-22
This project falls in the area of decision making under uncertainty and aims to develop a framework to understand how actors construct the space of hypothetical future events they use to guide their choices between alternative actions. This framework will provide criteria to analyse the reliability of existing knowledge and the potential for surprising events to emerge in different social contexts, and could therefore be of considerable importance in times of rapid and often unpredictable change.
More informationWith Constantinos Repapis
A series of workshops which aimed to explore key interfaces between Economics and Anthropology, Plastic Arts, and Semiotics.
More informationWith Constantinos Repapis & Ragupathy Venkatachalam
Economics education has been discussed in the public domain for a long time, but since the Global Financial Crisis it has come under renewed scrutiny. This interview project aims to provide material for new generations of economics students and scholars, as well as the general public, to get acquainted with different schools of economic thought and their bearing on economics thinking.
More informationAreas of interest
Biographical details correct as of 26.02.25