The overarching aim of this conference is to examine the relationship between the disciplines of economics and law. In doing so, we hope to generate constructive dialogue and debate between the different perspectives and approaches found at the intersection of economics and law.
A decade on from the financial crisis, this conference comes at an opportune moment. The financial crisis had important repercussions for the social sciences. In particular, in exposing the fallibility of economic analysis and expertise, it has led many to question the faith placed in economics. Economics, along with the rest of the social sciences – law included - must necessarily respond to this challenge. Whilst there have been numerous events across the social sciences looking at the way in which disciplines have evolved in the post-crash years, there has been little sign of such consideration in legal studies, especially in UK legal studies. It is therefore in this light that the conference approaches the economics-law relationship. The conference will provide an opportunity both to reflect on this important, evolving relationship and to recognise new directions and themes for research at the meeting-point of economics and law.