Cambridge Social Ontology Summer School

Professor Tony Lawson

4-17 AUGUST 2024

Carolina Alves, Phil Faulkner, Clive Lawson, Tony Lawson, Helen Mussell, Stephen Pratten, Yannick Slade-Caffarel

For over twenty years the Cambridge Social Ontology Group – a highly interdisciplinary research project – has sought to elaborate the nature of social reality and bring insights derived to bear on the conduct of economics and the social sciences more widely. With interest in the project continually growing, especially amongst students, and with social ontology taught in few places outside of Cambridge, this Summer School aims to bring interested parties together to enable them to study systematically some of the main themes and topics covered in Cambridge Social Ontology. 

The Summer School will involve 30 attendees and be primarily aimed at postgraduate students in economics and cognate disciplines, although applications from all students as well as early career academics in any discipline will be considered.

Teaching on the summer school will be provided by members and associates of the Cambridge Social Ontology project, academics from a number of social science disciplines including economics, sociology, law and management. Organisational and teaching support will also be provided by members of the Social Ontology Research Unit at King’s College London.

Areas of interest

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