A Concrete Utopia: the International Parallel University

Anna Curcio & Gigi Roggero

The ISRF’s funded instructor cost sfor three courses at the International Parallel University in Bologna during the first half of 2023.

De-commodify Research: This course aimed to analyse the state of the art of the international research industry; different traditions of alternative research (workers' inquiry, co-research, decolonial research, participant observation, action-research, etc.); how to build up a project of alternative research, methods and goals.

De-corporatise the University: This course aimed to explore the history of the university transformations of the last fifty years, including those resulting from the Bologna Process; the rise and the crisis of the neoliberal university; the possible futures of the higher education; how to act in this process.

Decolonise Education: This course aimed to review the international history and contemporary overview of the relationship between race, knowledge, and education; the critique of the mainstream education theories; the social functioning of race issue, the relationship between race, knowledge, and education in the Italian case study; some examples of decolonization of education.

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