Sherrill Stroschein is Reader in Politics at UCL. She joined UCL in 2005 as Programme Coordinator of the MSc in Democracy and Comparative Politics. She was previously an Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies (2003-2005) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Ohio University (2001-2005). She has also been a fellow at the Institute on Race and Social Division at Boston University (2000-2001). She received her PhD from Columbia University in 2000.
Sherrill is an Associate Editor of the journal Problems of Post-Communism, and an Advisory Board member for the Association for the Study of Nationalities.
Sherrill's research examines the dynamics of ethnic or religious identity in politics, in democratic states as well as democratising states or hybrid regimes. She is currently especially interested in states where democratic structures are incrementally replaced with more authoritarian control or patronal rule. She has published articles in Perspectives on Politics, Party Politics, Nations and Nationalism, Europe-Asia Studies, and Ethnopolitics, as well as other journals.