Sanaz Raji

Independent Scholar Fellow 2022-24

The Carceral Campus: Understanding the Nexus between Marketised Higher Education, Surveillance and the Hostile Environment

The proposed research seeks to understand how bordering processes within UK higher education transforms the nature of the university. Specifically, this project is interested in understanding how migrant students and staff (academic & non-academic), experience the interlinkages between UK marketised higher education, and surveillance associated with border regimes within universities. This study will build on the preliminary data collected by Unis Resist Border Controls (URBC).

More information

Research outcomes

Raji, S. (2024, December 20).

Migrant students who challenge UK universities deserve a better deal. Times Higher Education.



Sanaz Raji is founder and caseworker for Unis Resist Border Controls (URBC), a national campaign founded in 2016 made of migrant lecturers, students and activists who want to end the hostile environment policy and border control as exercised within UK higher education.

Biographical details correct as of 22.01.25

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