Dr Paulo Serodio

Network Maps of Contemporary Economics in France 2019-20, Network Maps of Contemporary Economics in France 2020-23

Network Maps of Contemporary Economics in France - Stage I

The research project contributes to the ISRF’s programme: ‘Reframing the moral foundations of economics’, which responded to the displacement of a social science discipline of economics (Political Economy) by a ‘scientised’ quantification of economic activity. The project’s overall goal is a generally applicable analysis of the relational structures and the normative controversies existing among contemporary economists, to understand how far these determine both the nature of academic economics and economic policy.

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Network Maps of Contemporary Economics in France - Stage II

A qualitative and network study of two key institutions linking economists and government in France, which aims to study the structural determinants of the intellectual divide that has grown in the field of Economics in France over the last 20 years. This study is envisaged as an immediate follow on from Stage I, which was devoted to building a database on the evolution of French Economics since 1950, and begins to utilize said database, tying it to qualitative material.

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Areas of interest


Paulo Serodio is a Senior Research Officer working on data linkage and survey data augmentation at the University of Essex.

Previously, he worked as a a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona, University of Oxford, Brasenose College and Northeastern University.

His research interests include social network analysis, text-as-data and NLP.

Biographical details correct as of 27.02.25

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