Dr Dave Elder-Vass

Political Economy Fellow 2017-18

Constructing Financial Value

As the global financial crisis has demonstrated, market-oriented theories of financial asset values are bankrupt. This project aims to develop and apply an alternative theory, arguing that the value of assets like money, shares, and derivatives is socially constructed: demand for financial instruments is created by narratives that generate expectations of future value, by institutions that bolster these expectations, and by persuading other financial actors to accept them as facts. While such values are often stabilised, they are potentially highly precarious, generating massive risk for our economic system. A clearer understanding of how that risk is generated can help us to develop a finance sector that prioritises social benefit rather than private profit regardless of the consequences.

More information

Research outcomes

Elder-Vass, D. (2022).

Inventing value: The social construction of monetary worth. Cambridge University Press.



Dave Elder-Vass is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Loughborough.

He came to Sociology after a career in IT. Before joining Loughborough, where he taught sociology and an MA module on Digital Economies until 2020, he studied for his PhD at Birkbeck University of London and spent three years as a British Academy post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex. 

Dave's research interests include sociological theory, social ontology and economic sociology, particularly in the digital environment, and he has published three books with Cambridge University Press on these topics. His recent work is concerned with the creation of value and profit in the finance sector. You can find more details of his research programme on his website.

Biographical details correct as of 11.03.25

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