Professor Danielle van den Heuvel

Discretionary Award 2022

Claiming the Streets. Using the Past to Challenge the Present and Imagine the Future of Urban Public Spaces

With Luca BertoliniJames Symonds

The conference will bring together scholars from different disciplines as well as policymakers and other stakeholders in the community to together tackle questions on the in- and exclusivity in the city. We do this by specifically looking at the street as a site of contestation and emancipation. In particular, we aim for the conference to be a site of encounter between hitherto separate enquiries into the past, present and future of city streets, and between academic enquiries and practical experiences.

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Danielle van den Heuvel is Professor of Early Modern Economic and Social History. She started her career as a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam) in the Early Modern Women's Work project, culminating in a doctorate from Utrecht University in 2007. She subsequently held three postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Cambridge: first an NWO Rubicon Grant, which she held at the Economics Faculty, then the Ottilie Hancock Research Fellowship at Girton College, and finally a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, again based at the Faculty of Economics. During her time in Cambridge, she also taught as an Affiliated Lecturer at the Faculty of History. In 2012 she moved to the University of Kent (Canterbury) to take up a (Senior) Lectureship in Early Modern European History at the School of History and Centre of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. 

In 2016 she returned to the Netherlands as an Assistant Professor, later Associate Professor, in the Department of History, European Studies and Religious Studies of the University of Amsterdam. There, she directed an NWO VIDI Project (2016-2023) on gender and urban space in Eurasia. In Amsterdam, she co-directed the Amsterdam Centre for Urban History (2019-23) and was Director of the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (2022-24).

She has held Visiting Fellowships at the Institute of Advanced Studies on Asia (University of Tokyo, 2015; 2017), the Institute of Advanced Studies (University of Amsterdam, 2020-21) and Tokyo College (2024). 

Biographical details correct as of 26.02.25

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