Professor Andrea Ruggeri

Early Career Fellow 2012-13

Political Entrepreneurs and Civil Wars

Are some rebels more important than others in civil wars? While the existing literature on civil wars has developed theories and provided empirical evidence based either on structural features of society or individual preferences and strategies, we lack a micro-level analysis, where some rebels, namely political entrepreneurs, are distinguished from the “average rebel”. This may be surprising since studies on collective action and common sense tell us tbat not all actors are equal. Some actors and not others are the ones to encourage, organize and lead mobilization. The following research project aims to explore the micro-level of conflict, focusing on the role of political entrepreneurs in civil wars.

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Research outcomes

Bove, V., & Ruggeri, A. (2019).

Peacekeeping effectiveness and blue helmets’ distance from localsJournal of Conflict Resolution63(7), 1630-1655.

Daxecker, U., Di Salvatore, J., & Ruggeri, A. (2019).



Andrea Ruggeri is Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford.

He joined Brasenose College and the Department of Politics an International Relations at the University of Oxford in 2014. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Amsterdam from 2010. He holds a PhD in Government from the University of Essex (2011), an MA International Relations (Essex, 2006) and a BA in Diplomatic and International Sciences (Genova, 2005).

His current research deals with civil wars and peacekeeping. His broader research interests include collective political violence, state development, and comparative politics in Africa and Middle East.

His research has been published in the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, International Security, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, International Interactions, International Organization, International Peacekeeping, International Studies Review, Political Geography, Political Science Research & Methods and edited volumes. 

Biographical details correct as of 16.01.25

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