
28th November, 2024


18:00 - 19:30 PST


Barnard's Inn Hall, London & Online

Event type

Book Launches

Voices in the Dark

An in-person & online book launch and conversation with Dr Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen, author of Voices in the Dark, also featuring Samer Abdelnour & Kirsten McConnachie.

As ever-larger numbers of people find themselves living in refugee camps, what are their lives like? How, for example, do they get the energy to cook, refrigerate, communicate, read at night, and do everything else most people take for granted?

Humanitarianism is in crisis: refugee numbers increase every year and humanitarian agencies are struggling to meet the needs of displaced people. In refugee camps all over the world, refugees are forced to secure their own access to energy and are provided with limited cooking resources and minimal electricity. Voices in the Dark draws upon a decade of original research to provide evidence on the energy lives of refugees. Focusing on refugee camps in Rwanda and Kenya, the book identifies that urgent change is required within humanitarian responses to forced migration and the climate crisis to ensure that future energy provision in displacement settings is sustainable, reliable and affordable for refugees.

Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen is Research Associate at the University of Oxford, where she is a member of the Refugee Studies Centre and Linacre College. She is an independent consultant and a senior advisor on humanitarian energy and climate issues. Sarah is a CoFounder of the Global Platform for Action for Sustainable Energy in Displacement Situations (the GPA).

Sarah will be joined by Samer Abdelnour, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management at the University of Edinburgh Business School; and Kirsten McConnachie, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies at the University of East Anglia. A Q&A will follow, moderated by Professor Chris Newfield, ISRF Director of Research.

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