
12th May, 2023


Goldsmiths, University of London

Event type


V. Chick and G.C. Harcourt. Lives lived against the stream

Organised by Andrew Trigg and Constantinos Repapis.

This event celebrates the many and diverse contributions that Victoria Chick (1936-2023) and Geoffrey Colin Harcourt (1931-2021) brought to the economics community over their lives. They were both central pillars of the Keynesian and later Post-Keynesian school of thought from its very beginning, and their contributions defined the scope and outlook that this approach to economics came to represent. This two-day event intends to honour their work and many years of service to the community.

All sessions can be joined online. Please email Dr Constantinos Repapis ( if you would like to receive the relevant MS Teams link.

Organised by The Open Political Economy Group, IKD, The Open University and the History and Methodology of Economic Thought Research Group, Goldsmiths, supported by the Independent Social Research Foundation

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