In partnership with the Research Centre for the Humanities, Athens.
The digital condition appears in many forms: second-wave artificial intelligence, virtual assistants, online course instruction, algorithmic trading, bibliometric citation analysis, and economic modeling based on very large data sets, to name a few. It is the dominant framework for momentous transformations in knowledge production and in modes of reading and interpretation, which include a metamorphosis of the printed word into other media.
There are many reasons for a familiar sense that everything has changed irreversibly. One has been remarkable advances in computer programming, which long ago raised the prospect of artificial intelligence that could match or exceed human intelligence. Another has been the influential “two cultures” paradigm that cast literature and literary intelligence as something like the backward-looking opposite of technology. We are organizing this conference both to assess the history of responses to the digital condition in the humanities and social sciences, and also to identify new directions that might extend and deepen the contributions of these fields to the full range of knowledges required by the current state of the world.
Marking the intersection of many distinct trends, the digital condition has radically restructured methodologies in a host of disciplines. It is often experienced as a radical break with higher education traditions where the humanities play a central role in knowledge creation. Within the digital condition, the social sciences and the humanities are faced with two baseline challenges: to understand more clearly their own processes of knowledge production and, at the same time, to understand the underlying dynamics of the digital framework.
While the social sciences and the humanities have long histories of methodological self-reflection, they must now propose new concepts, devise new methodologies, and test new approaches that acknowledge the digital condition while affirming and extending their distinct ways of knowing the world. In other words, we cannot respond to the digital condition by adapting the humanities and social sciences to it. These fields create essential forms of knowledge not found in scientific and technological fields.
Perhaps most importantly, major global issues are best addressed through partnerships among scientific, technical, humanistic, social, and professional modes of knowledge. Equitable relations among diverse disciplines are hard to find, in part for intellectual reasons and in part because of divergent material infrastructures and research practices. And yet, cross-disciplinary collaborations are increasingly common and often successful: the digital humanities is one such arena of collaboration, and there are others. Our conference aimed at strengthening both the independence of the humanities and the social sciences, and their material powers of collaboration across the disciplines.
Speakers included:
Theodore Arabatzis RCH Founding Member; Professor of History & Philosophy of Science, University of Athens
Nishat Awan Senior Research Fellow, TU Delft
Thanasis Betas Research Fellow, National Hellenic Research Foundation
Natalia Cecire Senior Lecturer in English & American Literature, University of Sussex
Io Chaviara Ph.D. candidate in Social Anthropology, Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences
Lars Cornelissen ISRF Academic Editor
Hanne Cottyn Independent Scholar, University of York
Ada Dialla RCH President; Associate Professor of European History, Athens School of Fine Arts
Foteini Dimirouli Postdoctoral Researcher in Comparative Literature, University of Oxford
Kate Dossett Professor of American History, University of Leeds
Patrick ffrench Professor of French, King’s College London
Vasilis Galis Associate Professor of Science & Technologies Studies, IT University of Copenhagen
Kostas Gavroglu RCH Founding Member; Emeritus Professor of History of Science, University of Athens
Lauren Goodlad Professor of English & Comparative Literature, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Costas Gousis Project Coordinator, Eteron – Institute for Research & Social Change
Athena Hadji Faculty Member, DIKEMES-College Year in Athens; Adjunct Professor, The American University of Rome
Eleanor Jupp Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Kent
Ernestina Karystinaiou-Efthymiatou Ph.D. Candidate, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Danae Karydaki Postdoctoral researcher in History, University of Thessaly