Money & Finance in a Time of Flux: Economy, Space, Time & Value
The challenging post-crisis environment of low interest rates and weak growth has encouraged financial actors to make new interventions in time and space in their search for yield. In contrast to the ‘secular stagnation’ of the real economy, therefore, the ‘new normal’ for global finance has been one of great change: its reach has spread into new assets, whilst it has become differently entwined in older assets; it has used new mechanisms for extraction through innovative valuation practices; and has reorganised its spatial and relational arrangements in search of new sources of yield.
This workshop attempts to capture the new dynamism of money and finance in the post-crisis era. It will examine how financial actors gain power and wealth by connecting with actors in other realms, sectors and sites, including law and accounting firms, real estate developers, policy-makers and alternative financial services providers. It will set those relations within a spatial context of geo-political flux where rising powers are now both a source of new investment resources as well as investment opportunities. It will also explore the entanglements forged through valuation practices which open out new, extractive possibilities which require interventions in time and space. This workshop therefore aims to draw out the cross-cutting dynamics of economy, space, time and value to provide novel observations on the changing character of the contemporary international financial system.