
12th May, 2014


University of York

Event type


Critique & Critiques

The second annual ISRF Workshop, a series which ran from 2013 to 2019. Held in partnership with the Research Centre for Social Sciences, University of York.

What counts as critique varies across the disciplines; critical history, critical anthropology, critical theory and theories, critical philosophy and so on differ in theory and method. All are themselves subject to critique and, of course, the critique of the notion of critique presents a further complication. The Workshop is an opportunity to consider what the truly critical and intellectually innovative research sought by the ISRF, and aimed at by its Fellows, might look like. On Day One there will be short presentations by the ISRF Fellows of projects from across the social sciences, and a Roundtable discussion: ‘What is critique and (how) are we doing it?’

Day Two, bringing together researchers from York and beyond, focuses on contemporary forms of critical theory and its application in empirical research. As a body of thinking, analysis and research, critical theory problematizes superficial and complacent analyses of our contemporary human, social and economic condition. The day discovers the range of engagement in critical understandings of social change, progress, the impact of technology, our imbrication with economic rationalities and discourses, as well as deepening problems of ecocide, inequality and violence, in the work of the University’s social science scholars.

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