Early Career Fellowship (ECF6)

In January 2021, the ISRF launched its sixth Early Career Fellowship competition. Having received a number of strong proposals, the Selection Panel met in September 2021, and voted to make six awards.

Awards were made to:

The Application Process

The Research Proposal

All applicants were expected to provide the following details as part of their proposal:

  • The Research Focus: The project’s topic, problem, or question (250 words)

  • Background: Current research reference points and their limitations (250 words)

  • Project Thesis: The hypotheses or innovative claims the research may enable you to support (250 words)

  • Methodology: Methods and procedures your research will employ, with description of interactions among different disciplinary inputs (250 words)

  • Work Plan: How your methods and procedures will be structured over the period of the award, including share of work time to be devoted to award research (250 words)

  • Outcomes: Describe project contribution, dissemination, and any further steps and longer-term goals (250 words)

  • Ethics Statement: Any measures required for ethical conduct of the research, including needed regulatory compliance (300 words)

The Completed Application Form Included:

  • An Abstract (300 words) of the research’s aims, methods, contribution to knowledge, and value in realising the goals of ISRF.

  • A completed, anonymised Research Project Proposal form (1800 words total)

  • An anonymised Bibliography in support of the proposal, limited to two sides of A4 (this should be uploaded as an additional attachment)

  • An anonymised Budget comprising a full outline of employment costs. If matched-funded research expenses are included for consideration, an explanation should be given as to why these are deemed necessary.

  • A Curriculum Vitae, Including a list of relevant publications.

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