Workshop Announcement: The Richard Wollheim Centenary Project

by Louise Braddock

Published on: October 31st, 2023

Read time: 3 mins


St John’s College, University of Oxford

December 2023-March 2024

The Interdisciplinary Psychoanalytic Thought research network is pleased to announce a series of events to mark the centenary of the birth of the philosopher Richard Wollheim (1923-2003).

The Interdisciplinary Psychoanalytic Thought network’s Richard Wollheim Centenary programme will take place in Oxford during the academic year 2023-24. It will comprise a series of in-person events, including informal lectures, discussion seminars and other presentations, around the exhibition of Patrice Moor’s work, The Presence of Absence.

December 4th 2023: Professor Derek Matravers (Open University) gave his paper at the St John’s (Oxford) Psychoanalysis Seminar on ‘The Role of Psychoanalysis in Richard Wollheim’s Philosophy of Art’. A pre-recorded version, in discussion with Ellie Roberts, Janet Sayers and Maarten Steenhagen, is available to view online.

January 20th 2024: Richard Wollheim’s Philosophy and the Arts

A one-day workshop, Richard Wollheim’s Philosophy and the Arts, to be held at St John’s College, Oxford on Saturday 20th January 2024.

The workshop will be in two parts. The morning session (10am-1:30pm) will feature 30-minute presentations which engage with the theme of the workshop. The afternoon session (2:30pm-5pm) will be given over to a discussion of future directions for research on this theme.


  • Dr Louise Braddock
    Independent Scholar
    Wollheim and Iconicity

  • Dr Vanessa Brassey
    King’s College London
    Time for Twofoldness

  • Professor Elisa Galgut
    University of Cape Town
    Misrepresentation and the Archaic Theory of Mind

  • Professor Charlie Gere
    Lancaster University
    Wollheim’s Babylon

  • Dr Niall Gildea
    Lancaster University
    Wollheim as a Theorist of Literature

Register by email to

February 16th to March 8th 2024, 2pm – 6pm (excluding Sundays)The Presence of Absence exhibition, to be accompanied by informal talks on the connections between the artwork’s psychological and psychoanalytical resonances and Wollheim’s philosophy of psychoanalysis and art.

The gallery talks (free but registration required, by email to will take place at 6-7pm on the following days:

19th February: Starting with Wollheim (Dr Niall Gildea, University of Lancaster)

23rd February: Wollheim’s use of psychoanalysis in reading art (Professor Elisa Galgut, Cape Town)

26th February: Grief, reparation and creativity (Ms Denise Cullington, Psychoanalyst)

28th February: Skulls in art (Dr Jane Williams, Art Historian)

1st March: Time in Wollheim’s theory of pictures (Dr Vanessa Brassey, KCL)

4th March: Seeing-in: the psychoanalytic aesthetics of Wollheim and Stokes (Professor Janet Sayers, University of Kent)

6th March: Collage as a form of expression (in conversation with the artist) (Dr Jane Williams, Art Historian)

8th March: Memories: the past in image (in conversation with the artist) (Ms Ellie Roberts, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and Training Analyst)

More information about the Richard Wollheim Centenary Project can be found here:

The Richard Wollheim Centenary Project is a Local Partner of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, supported by the Independent Social Research Foundation, and partnered with the Centre for Philosophy and Art at King’s College, University of London.

Main image: book covers by Richard Wollheim

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