The Independent Social Research Stichting (the “ISRF”) has its own remuneration policy.
1. Foundation Board Members
The board members of the Foundation do not receive a remuneration for their services to board or for attending board meetings. Travel costs for attending a board meeting can however be repaid.
2. Academic Advisory Board Members
Academic Advisory Board members are not remunerated for their work, nor do they receive attendance fees. They may be reimbursed by the ISRF for work-related expenses, such as travel, accommodation and subsistence costs and expenses incurred for the purpose of participating in workshops, conferences and other Foundation activities. They may also be compensated for any contribution they might make to Foundation processes - distinct from their roles and responsibilities as Academic Advisory Board members - such as fellowship competition triage, participation on selection panels etc..
3. Personnel
The Foundation has four employees who have been carefully selected and are remunerated according to their position and market standards. Their remuneration is being reviewed on a regular basis.